The present volume was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority
forScienti_c Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-IDPCE-
2011-3-1054, entitled „Uncertainty, Complexity and Financial Stability”,
within the Romanian-American University Bucharest. It represents a collection
of dissertation papers presented by the graduates of the 2014 class of the master
program DOFIN (Doctoral School of Finance and Banking) within the Department
of Money and Banking of the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest.
The papers were coordinated by professors Mois_aAlt_ar, CiprianNecula, Gabriel
Bobeic_a and Nicolae Covrig. The students, as well as their coordinators, are
participants in the above mentioned project.
The theses were defended in front of an international commission, comprising
professors Simon Burke from the University of Reading, UK, Peter van der Hoek
from Erasmus University, The Netherlands, as well as professors Mois_aAlt_ar,
CiprianNecula and Gabriel Bobeic_a from the Academy of Economic Studies,
Nu există recenzii până acum.