Exposure to the pragmatic marker ‘like’ in US vlogs and its pedagogical implications on L3 English learners

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Categorii: , Cod: 13084Autor: Cîlţan Anda Lucia, Ciuciuc Victor-EmanuelData apariție: 02-03-2021 Cuprins Răsfoiește


This paper aims to identify the influence of American English in the type of informal exposure that third language English users might have and how this may be used as a pedagogical tool; more specifically, it aims to observe the impact of the use of ‘like’ by American vloggers on young learners of English as a third language. The study investigates the way third language users of English come into contact with non-standard colloquial forms through less structured exposure and the way in which learners understand the usage and the pragmatics of the American pragmatic marker ‘like’.


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Exposure to the pragmatic marker ‘like’ in US vlogs and its pedagogical implications on L3 English learners










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