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Octombrie 2015 – iunie 2021: Director program Master Anglo-American Intercultural Studies, UCDC
Octombrie 2013 – mai 2014: Decan al Facultății de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, UCDC
PUBLICAȚII (selecție)
– Duţu, Carmen, “The story so far: towards a (Frin)Gender perspective within COST Action IS0901” in: Journal of Research in Gender Studies, Cynthia Neal (editor), New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, Volume 1(2)/2011, ISSN 2164-0262, pp. 163-169.
– Duţu, Carmen, „Nineteenth Century Romanian Public Space: the Final Frontier for Women?” in: Gender Studies. The Journal of West University, Timisoara, Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies, Reghina Dascal (editor), Berlin: De Gruyter Open, Volume 11, Issue Supplement, pp. 55–61, ISSN (Print) 1583-980X, DOI: 10.2478/v10320-012-0005-x, 2012.
– Duţu, Carmen, “19th Century Romanian Women’sTranslations as Instance of Cultural Reception of Modernity” in: Ramona Mihaila, Efstratia Oktapoda, Nancy Honicker (eds), Gender Studies in the Age of Globalization, New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2013, ISBN: 978-1- 935494-27-0, pp. 241-246.
– Duţu, Carmen, “Cherchez la Femme: Stereotypes in Conflict in Romanian Mid 19th Century Sentimental Novels” în: Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in Humanities, Eugene Steele, Banu Akesme and Hasan Baktir (eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, ISBN 144388796X, 9781443887960, pp.44-53
– Duțu, Carmen, Introduction la volumul Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in Humanities, Eugene Steele, Banu Akesme and Hasan Baktir (eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, ISBN 144388796X, 9781443887960, pp.iiiv-ix
– Duţu, Carmen, ‘Re-thinking Intimacy in Fringendered 19th Century Romanian Culture: Conceptual Framework’ în: Elyıldırım, Selma (ed.), Representations of Space in Literature, Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 2018, ISBN 978-605-96362-9-2, pp. 70-75
– Duţu, Carmen, Dora D’Istria: Mapping the Cultural Transfer of Intimacy at the “Fringes” of
Europe”, în: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Studia Philologica, No. 1/2019, ISSN (print) 1220-0484, pp. 237-244.
PROIECTE (selecție)
1. CEEPUS Women Writers in History Network (, 2020 – prezent. Membru fondator.
2. COST 16214 ELTeC Distant Reading for European History (https://www.distant-, (, 2018 – prezent. WS 4 membru cercetător
3. Crossing Borders, Moving Borders: Young European’s constructions of citizenship and Identities – Beneficiar: University College London; a Jean Monnet Life Long Programme, 2009-2013. Coordonator local (Bucuresti)
4. NEWW Women Writers and COST- Action (IS090) Women Writers in History, 2009-2013. WS 1 membru cercetător.
5. Proiect national no. 91068/14.09.2007: Educational Portal for Foreign Language Interactive Learrning Within the Context of Interation in Multicultural Environment – Beneficiar: SIVECO, UNAP, DCCU; finantator: CNMP – National Centre for Programme Management (Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Romania); 2007-2010. Membru cercetător.
KEY NOTE: Making Modern Romania: Women, Books and the Cultural Politics of Intimacy susținut la Gothenburg University, the Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion în cadrul workshopului exploratory (eveniment online): Rethinking Intimacy in Women’s Reading and Writing at the Peripheries of Europe, 26 – 27 martie, 2020
August 2013 – august 2014, visiting professor la Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Ercyies University, Kayseri, Turcia
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